Saturday 17 November 2007

Our next kirtan...

... is tomorrow (Sunday 18 November). This kirtan will reflect the particular mood and flavour of the Indian lunar month Damodar. It is a beautiful month, much like Lent (in that some take vows), when devotees of Krishna everywhere sing the song Damodharashtakam every day, offering little candles made out of ghee (clarified butter) to their Lord. The beat of the song is different from the usual beat, which makes it particularly meditative. We sang part of it last year, followed by the Hare Krishna mantra. Here is last years kirtan by Gopal.


Anonymous said...

Hare Krishna
Thank you for making this beautiful devotional music available online for everyone to here.
Is there any way I can download it to listen to on my mp3 player or else purchase a cd?
Jaya Sri Sri Nitai Gauranga

Kirtaniya said...

Hi Jereme,

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, you can download all the audio files we have uploaded. You can do it (1) by right-clicking the file in question (on this blog) and saving the link to your computer, (2) you can subscribe to our podcast (you can find a link on the right side of this page, under 'PODCASTS'), or (3) you can click on the file when you're at the podcast, and right-click 'download music file'. That will download it on to your computer.

I'm glad you're enjoying them. Hare Krishna!

Anonymous said...

Thanks. I've really enjoyed reading/listening to what you have here.

Could you please let me know how I may contact Gopal.

Thank you

