Our March and April kirtans were resplendent with jars of golden daffodils, tastefully arranged by Shyama.
Jahnavi and Tulasi Harrison (golden-haired) were our guest kirtaniyas in March, delighting us with their musicality and sweet, meditative chanting. Everyone seems to have got the hang now of clapping along in rhythm, so it was a rousing kirtan.
Jahnavi spoke a little about her experiences last year on the
Mantralogy tour, bringing kirtan to five continents. After chanting with all kinds of people, from all kinds of cultures, from the very poor to the very rich, the whacky to the highly respectable, the young and old, she came to the conclusion that "kirtan is for everyone"; everyone likes it and everyone can feel it's beneficial effects. Jahnavi has just left England again for New York, to spend some months there with Gaura Vani and his kirtan band, As Kindred Spirits. We'll keep you posted of any interesting developments there.
For April's kirtan, our own local, home-grown, organic kirtaniyas, Shyama, Rembert and Meru, led us in a variety of chants, including the very ancient "om namo bhagavate vasudevaya". It was the fourth anniversary of The Kirtan Experience in Oxford and we celebrated with cake.