We were surprised to see so many come to the kirtan last Sunday, considering the wet and windy weather. But there of course nothing like the courage of the British!
It was a jolly event with Sakhyarasa, a wonderful kirtan leader and personality. He had come all the way from Birmingham to chant with us. In his traveller's mood, he brought us further afield to both Gujarat in India, as well as Bengal, with his singing and descriptions. So if you wonder why we have pictures of coconut trees and banana plants in this post - ask no further...
Here are the kirtans he lead:
(1) Gujarat
shri-krishna-govinda hari-murari
he-nath-narayan vasudeva
om namo bhagavate vasudevaya
govinda jaya jaya gopala jaya jaya
radha-ramana-hari govinda jaya jaya
govinda govinda govinda govinda
gopala gopala gopala gopala
with the Hare Krishna mantra.
(2) Bengal
Gay Gaura Madhur Svare

hare krishna hare krishna
krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama
rama rama hare hare
(3) Hare Krishna mantra
hare krishna hare krishna
krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama
rama rama hare hare
A big thank you to all who came to our chanting sessions this year. We hope to see you again next year!